

  • Apparently it's really good. I picked it up a couple weeks ago, but I had to take it back because the first two discs i tried wouldn't work with my blu-ray player or my computer. If you have a straight DVD player, it would probably work but double-check BB&B's return policy just in case.
    in ZUMBA? Comment by athybaby May 2013
  • I've heard people say that they've gained endurance, which in-turn helps with their running, but nothing about time specifically. I'm sure it wouldn't hurt, though.
  • I finished my Day 6 today. I also try to do something else, such as walking 3-4 miles or a cardio based DVD workout. I wanted to do 30DS every day, but Sundays and Mondays are a little too hectic. Though in retrospect, I think my body really needed the rest so I'm going to keep the 2-day break in my schedule.
  • Definitely can see a difference! Thanks so much for posting! I'm on day 4 and really had to push through it today even though I'm not very sore anymore. Your results so far will help keep me motivated!
  • I started yesterday! Just going to do my 25 for Day 2!
  • I'll give it a go!