

  • Honestly, I haven't "stopped" eating anything because for me it will make me want it and indulge in it a great deal after so much time has passed and I start to crave it. What I have done is cut done drastically on my portion sizes!! That way I can still have all of the things I like, I just have them in much smaller…
  • I agree, every now and then I crave the kick that comes with soda until I can find something that has the carbonation without the empty calories.
  • I was aware of the empty calories in regular pop, but just learned something new with the diet pop which luckily I don't drink. And I have cut down drastically on pop. I have replaced most servings that I used to drink with Crystal Light singles in my water or Dasani drops in my water with a few slices of fruit to add a…
  • Good morning all I am from the Chicagoland area and new to actually using this app, saw the title for this challenge and clicked on it to browse around. My question is, will there be a November challenge since I missed this one and can any of us create a challenge? :blushing: