danikanoodles Member


  • Raw Food Lunchbox Ideas For Kids(and adults too!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzJ8VFqSbzA&feature=c4-overview&list=UU_cOrj8dlCqYnGgp0xdkxow
  • Hi Piggler, Welcome to the group! Our recommendations are going to be a bit different than MFP's. Their suggestions and settings are based for those living on the SAD Diet(Standard American Diet). So for those following any of the diets we cover here it gives us a little more wiggle room. First thing you need to do is up…
  • MINTY FRESH SMOOTHIE RECIPE http://danikanoodles.wordpress.com/2013/09/18/minty-fresh-smoothie-recipe/
  • Chlorella/Spirulina: *http://www.livestrong.com/article/494368-the-harmful-effects-of-chlorella-spirulina/ *http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5vdz637DWk Cacao/Chocolate/Cocoa: Neurtoxin and Stimulant *http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wArks4mczm4 Onions/Garlic: Contain potent classified Neurotoxins…
  • ORANGE COUSCOUS PILAF Found this in Dr. Neal Barnards book Reversing Diabetes 2 cups low sodium vegetarian broth. (I suggest just making your own, boiling water with whatever veggies you wish. It's cheaper and much healthier) 1 cup couscous (or quinoa for gluten free) 1 cup grated carrots 2 large oranges, peeled and cut…
  • "Food As A Coping Mechanism" By. Professor Rozalind Graham http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tARpeAlVdIo
  • Love this post by my friend Melissa. Not to mention she lost over 100lbs on a high-carb raw vegan diet eating over 4,000 calories! http://getyourfruiton.com/there-is-no-such-thing-as-a-calorie/
  • RAW APPLE CRISP A friend just posted this recipe online. I haven't tried it but since it's coming close to fall it's perfect. I recommend omitting the raw buckwheat and either doing there substitution or putting sun-dried mulberries in a food processor. It will create a similar texture and taste amazing!…
  • I tried it a while back and it made be really sick. I felt like my heart was racing and I was very shaky. They tried to get me to sell it and the whole thing was very sketchy. I feel like products like that are substainable. You need a proper diet and exercise for long term health and weight loss. Better to spend your…
  • Count me in! I've been eating raw for the past 2 years or so but need to be consistant about posting what I eat. Send me a friend request if you'd like.
  • I can see why you would want to cut out grains. They are high in insoluble fiber thus creating bloating, digestive issues and other probelms. Proper food combining is something you might want to look into if your having bloating issues. When food isn't combined right it creates certain foods in your stomach to ferment and…
  • Yay! For your interest in raw foods! Its a really amazing and beneficial thing. Intermittent fasting while raw is possible but can negetive side effects. I'm also a fasting coach and I'm all for fasting but when it has its need. Time and time I see people fast and then end up binge eating on foods not good for them. Which…
  • If you want to transistion slowly start with breakfast and make a nice big fruit smoothie. That's what I did for a while when I first went vegan and then went from there. Its a good starting point. Eventually maybe do raw till 4 were you eat all raw until 4pm and then have things like potatoes, rice and so on for dinner.
  • I loved watermelon island back when I did it! I felt amazing. Just make sure to eat plenty of it so you don't end up back bingeing on sad food again. One of the big things that happens when we don't eat enough of the good stuff. Just remember sometimes people can get stomach aches after eating melons if there's still other…
  • Oo I can relate to the sciatica pain. Its terrible isn't it. Was both my legs for a while but now just the left. To make it worse I rolled my left ankle out while running and tripping over something invisable lol. I'm not too happy with my left leg. There have been constant thunderstorms and rain over here so my whole body…
    in Group Comment by danikanoodles June 2013
  • I think coconut milk has a better resembalence to milk. Maybe empty out the milk container and refill it with alternatives milks. It truly is addicting. Glad your trying to switch them. Good luck!
  • No prob :) you can always through lots of greens into your smoothies which is a great way to get extra in if you have a blender.
  • Hmm I can't really reccomend a raw vitamin. Best to just eat a variety of raw fruits and veggies. Its more bio available to your body than something sitting on a shelf and processed(even if it states raw). I would however reccomend getting blood work to test your levels and go from there.
  • I'm here, just having computer troubles so its hard to get on the forums using my phone.
  • Ooo yay! Holistic nutritionist is awesome! Welcome!
  • Hello! I've been raw vegan for a while now and love it. Ill be here if you need any support or tips on this lifestyle. Sorry to here about the loss of your father.
  • Feel free to add me. I've been following a raw food diet for little over a year now.
  • Check out Kristina Carillo Bucaram on Youtube Megan Elizabeth has some cook books that are low fat. Her dessert book looks amazing.
  • Rice, lentils and beans sprouted and raw are really hard to digest so I would suggest avoiding them. Beans for sure since they are toxic when not cooked. Lentils would probably be the easiest of the 3 to digest but still difficult on the system.
  • Ooops just seeing this post now. I want to grow a large variety of fruits, Mainly mango, peaches, bananas & dates. Lots of tropical and exotics too! For now I have just a little fig tree and lemon tree. Hoping to grab a few peach trees this spring . I don't do much juicing but I do really like fresh squeezed orange juice…
  • Hello Veenie15, You can take a look at my food diary, it's open. I don't post each day but for the most part I do. The 80/10/10 book has meal plans at the end also. Do you have a copy? Congrats at starting you vegan journey!
  • Raw vegan here! I'll send you a friend request. Best thing I've ever done for my health.
  • Nuts are okay in moderation. Raw chocolate or cacao is a toxic substance. It's a know neurotoxin. Here is a good video about raw cacao from the man who introduced it into the raw food movement. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wArks4mczm4 Raw carob powder is a better option. I add it to my banana smoothies. If you add carob,…
  • Yes! Vegan female bodybuilders! Love it I've been training on and off for the past year. I'll send you a friend request.
  • Fruit sugar is perfectly fine to eat in abundance. Sugar fuels our cells and fruit is the best option for that. Don't fear sugar.