

  • My legs hurt!!! Feeling the burn like crazy!!! I really love that I have this support group cz it makes wanna get it done ... Day 3 was hard but def better than yesterday ... I'm so sore I'm walking funny lol but it must be working... Jus gotta keep it goin and soon it'll be habit right?? Yay
  • I'm supposed to feel good after a workout but I'm really disappointed in myself ... I kept giving up and taking breaks and halfway thru I wanted to quit completely until I got on this page and read about how you guys did it... I'm really frustrated that I let my body get to this point that I can't do most of the exercises…
  • TO RYANSGIRL13: My belly gets in the way too and it makes me so frustrated but soon enough it won't be a prob anymore! We can def do this!!
  • I am not going to lie ... I paused it a bazillions times and wanted to give up lol but here are my fit test numbers: SK 70 PJ 50 PK 65 P jumps 35 GJ 7 SJ 5 PUJ 17 LPO 30 I'm upset at my low numbers and I feel like I did do some of em wrong ... Lack of strength and such... Also my belly in the way :(... But if i keep this…
  • Plz add me too!! I def need motivators and will also return the favor! Lets do this! :)