

  • So far I'm loving it! At first I was kind of turned off by the fact that I'd have to pay a monthly fee if I wanted to use it but it comes with atleast 6 months free and then it's only 9.95 a month or even cheaper if you pay for 6 months or a year at a time. I figured I'd use my 6 months and see how it works for me. If it…
  • Hey Nicki! Yes I really like it so far! This is only my second day with it on but it's nice to see how many cals I'm burning throughout the day. I ordered mine through the official website. I had a promo code though so I got $20.00 off and free shipping. Let me know if your interested and I'll try finding the code again.…
  • I've heard that the body bugg is amazing! I'm thinking that's what I'm going with :)
  • how do I do this?
  • I can't remember the exact name but there is one (or used to be one) that was a squash ravioli and it was delish! I'll have to look for it next time I'm at the store. The sesame chicken one was also pretty good. I haven't purchased any in the last year or so though.
  • I've been a member to this site for awhile, however I'm really just starting to get on regularly (that is one of my goals) and "meet" new friends who are trying hard to live a healthy lifestyle. Please feel free to send a request my way =)