sabrina484 Member


  • Pesto....I love pesto. Just obviously use sparingly. Also have you tried just egg whites? Most of the cholesterol is in the yoke (if you're separating it yourself you could mix the yolk with olive oil and use it as a hair mask in the shower so you're not wasting the yokes - saw it on Pinterest, haven't tried it cause I buy…
  • I'm an ovo-lacto with very little lacto and have been since I was 12. My diary isn't open but I pretty much live on scrambled egg whites, Morningstar Farms sausage patties & chick'n meal starters, Yves Good Deli sandwich slices, Boca burgers orginal, Protein shakes, Beans, and then whatever fresh or steamed fruits and…
  • It sounds like it's because you're depriving yourself of everything you want instead of eating a tiny bit of what you want or something close to it. Don't try to cut everything out at all at once. If you want a donut, split it with somebody or put 1/2 in a baggie for your indulgence tomorrow. If you make too many things…