- said :)
you're not eating enough can't get by on granola, yogurt, and hard boiled eggs. That is serious starvation mode. You need greens, healthy fats, more carbs. More everything.
Hi ladies!! I'm 6'1 and have been for a very long time. Love being tall except for the jean thing and dresses being to short sometimes. I played college basketball so I never had to worry about exercising or eating cause I was burning it all off. So this past fall I get up to almost 190 lbs and have a melt down. The bad…
I have the exact same problem skinnyrache! I've had an on again off again cyst in my wrist for6 flares up when doing bodyrock workouts. I do two things: my bf bought me some pushup stands at walmart. Golds gym brand i think. they are very useful. I also got some weight training gloves with a wrist strap to kind…
I've been doing the workouts for over a month, but before that I did the same thing and looked at it everyday cause I thought i didn't have the equipment. Finally I ordered an interval timer for 20 bucks and got started. Use either 2 chairs or an old walker for a dipstation and my yoga mat carrier bag with rice bags as a…
bump! love swimming.
bodyrocker for officially a month! So obsessed with and zuz and freddy and their doggies and their workouts! I also love how passionate they are about their community. I have never done such sweat dripping, mind blowing workouts, some that could just be 6 min or 12 min., and the 20 or 30 min ones that feel like…
oh honey. you are not fat! not at all. I'm 6'1 too, i weigh 180 and yeah i've got a few trouble spots but i feel pretty good about myself. its also how you're built. just add in some strength training. I do interval training at and i love it. highly recommended. but really don't get down on yourself! tall is…
sorry but this is not true. gaining muscle tone added in with cardio with help in losing inches. If looking better is your goal then worry about how you look and feel in your clothes. The weight will come off too if you add in some strength. muscles will not make you heavier.
I am 6'1" and have been since I was 11. It is amazing how everyone is built so differently at the same weight and height! The human body is amazing. I've never been overweight. I joined here to lose 10-15 lbs just cause I'd gotten a little soft. I played basketball up into college so I never had to think about cardio on my…
Hi I know is where insanity, p90x, turbojam and some others come from. That is where most of the information about those programs are. However, there is a website called and its really great because they have tons and tons of dvds that have a preview clip on each so you can kind of get a feel…