

  • Did WW twice (meetings the first time and online the second) and lost 30 pounds both times. Gained it all back and more when I stopped. Trying to calculate points was/is more difficult than counting calories and just wasn't sustainable in the long term. I also didn't like that they change their points and plans every 3…
  • I weigh weekly at the same time on the same scale just before a shower. I weigh 3 times and record the average of the three. I relax my diet on the weekends as that is when I go out with friends and eat out instead of in. I try to make the right choices, but know I'll eat more calories at a restaurant than I do at home. In…
  • Bourbon or Single Malt Scotch on the rocks. I will have a couple of those on the weekend or an occasional small glass of red wine - higher calories, but balanced by the anti-oxidant benefits of the wine.