GeriLyne Member


  • So, just to update from my post in April- I took all of the info I had to the doctor; calories in, calories burned, etc.... her response was "well, you won't burn as many calories walking as you did when you were a dance, you just need to keep working harder at losing. I don't know how accurate the body monitor is you are…
  • So I started taking Amitriptyline back in 2008 or 2009, for nerve pain in my legs. Worked my way up to 100mg a night which I took at bedtime and could sleep for 12 hours without trying. I also started to gain weight and the more I tried to diet and exercise teh more depressed I became because nothing was working. I ended…
  • I have been on Amitriptyline now for almost 6 years I think and have watched the pounds just creep on with little success in losing. I can do ok for the first 7-9 pounds and then nothing regardless of diet and exercise. I was taking 100mg but asked my doctor to cut it in half. I'm thinking of having her wean me off it all…