LauraGibson80 Member


  • Thanks. Some times I get sad cause I don't always realize the progress I make. I have to remind myself daily that though I'm not dropping pounds like crazy. I am making progress. I still have a long ways to go, but will get there.
  • My first 7lbs. came off super fast. It was the last 3lbs. to make it 10 that seemed to take forever.
  • Sounds convincing to me.
  • That's what I thought. I'll just start packing my food for the week on Sundays so I have no excuse to go out and eat. LOL
  • I can feel my collar bones. Pretty big deal to me since I've only really just started working hard.
  • Thanks for the boost of motivation. I know mine is really small compared to others, but got to be proud of the small hills I've climbed, to be able to go over the mountain. :)
  • I felt bad for him too, then how they just stopped to take his bag at the end. Man I thought that was messed up, though I would of taken it too. He did seem pretty clueless, though he must of been pretty good to make it as far as he did. Though, I can only imagine how such an awful experience can change the person you once…
  • The part that drives me crazy is that they are just leaving/kicking people out to die. Shouldn't they be trying to bring people in to grow their own army? I was so mad when they passed that hitch hiker up. I'm so curious to what they are going to do next Sunday.
  • wow, you look amazing!! I hope I look that good at 10 weeks. Keep up the great work and thanks for the motivation!!
  • Thanks for all your input. I quit drinking tea and coffee because I have to have a lot of sugar in my tea. My coffee I have to add 3tb. spoons of flavoring creamer. Other wise it would be 3tsp. of sugar and creamer. Great advice about the notes part I will have to go back and put that into todays. Thank you again.
  • I found it, yes you just go to Create a account and edit your profile. It's all apart of your goal setting. I have 43 weeks. I started with the aggressive route, but decided to go recommended just in case I don't make the aggressive goal. Now to pick out my workouts, and other fun stuff. THANKS for this…