altorock13 Member


  • I love the elliptical and we just bought a used one for Christmas. Don't get one new! Too much money and you can find plenty of people who are willing to get rid of them on craigslist. Ours at a store new would have been 1500 before tax. We paid 400, plus they delivered. They needed to get rid of it quickly because of a…
  • I grew up in a home that knew nothing and cared nothing for nutrition. You ate second and even third helpings if you wanted to until you were stuffed full. While my siblings have amazing metabolisms where you could eat whatever you wanted to and stay super thin, I did not get that gene. I also was involved in music and…
  • I'm going to try this! Sounds fun! 01: 0 02: 45 03: 45 04: 120 =210 05: 06: 07: 08: 09: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: 21: 22: 23: 24: 25: 26: 27: 28: 29: 30: 31:
  • When I worked at a summer camp 6 years ago, all my campers said I looked like Reese Witherspoon. I just started at a new school this year and all my students think I look like... Reese Witherspoon. I don't see it, but maybe it's the hair?
  • One great thing that I do is to have a monitor that I wear as a watch on my wrist. I got it for under $30 at Walmart. When I start my work day, I start my calorie burner that is on there and it monitors my heart rate and calorie burning for the day. If you check your heart rate during those times of activity, it will…
  • This was the workout that I used when I first started working out and combined with a good nutrition plan I lost 15 lbs in the first month. I lost another 15 in the next two months using this and a cardio video. It works, but you have to put into it what you expect to get out of it. If you are stopping a lot during the…