gankyicingyal Member


  • Great tips! I'll definitely try them out :) Thanks for all your advice! I guess I forgot to mention that I'm allergic to some raw fruits and vegetables, especially apples. It seems like the older I get, the more they make my gums and throat itch. But that's probably a separate issue :)
  • When it comes to food, I'm basically still a little kid. If I eat out I always have a grilled cheese, I eat a PBJ sandwich for lunch when I'm out and about, cheese quesadillas, macaroni and cheese, fake bacon BLTs, alfredo pasta, yesss. Oh, and cheesecake, of course. I guess I've been doing a little better lately with…
  • Thanks for all the tips! I do like stir fry once in awhile, and low calorie veggie dips sound like something good to try. I'm just concerned that it will take me so much time to eat vegetables (I can't just scarf them down like I do everything else) that I will have trouble eating enough daily calories AND doing everything…
  • I've always been told that a diet high in lean protein, fruits and vegetables is ideal, I suppose. I know fish is one of the healthiest things you can eat (unless it's filled with mercury) and chicken, turkey are good forms of lean protein. It's got to be better for you than eating lots of pasta, cheese, bread, etc, right?