ProfessorEcks Member


  • Well, so far my plans haven't gone as well as I had hoped. Here is an update on my goals after the first quarter of the year. 1. I suspect that with proper nutrition and activity, I will be able to lose ALL the excess weight I am carrying around. 2. I'd like to complete all 8 races in the Healthy Holiday Fun Run Series…
  • That sounds great! Looks like you have a lot of fun things lined up. My year got off to a rocky start due to a knee injury, but I am pretty close to 100% again and ready to get rolling. I just wish Spring would hurry up and get here.
  • Well, on December 30th I started the Couch to 5K program hoping to get into reasonable conditioning for my first 5K, scheduled for February 8th. Unfortunately, I suffered bursitis/tendonitis in my left knee, most likely from poor flexibility in my calf, quads, and hips. Had to shut everything down for a few weeks in order…
  • Anyone else going to post their goals?