

  • Thanks for your time, have a great night everyone!! As suspected, I'll just now keep my personal experience tips to myself. Lord knows opinions are like... Carry on.
  • It's not my opinion that I injured's fact...a fact that I shared with the OP as one of the "even if it's just small tips, that you know works" things, on what not to do...she wants to get into shape, probably not looking into bodybuilding competitions just yet.
  • In my experience, more volume got me sloppy...lower reps at higher weight now allow me to focus on form and un-injuring myself...quality over quantity...and the OP asked specifically what has personally worked for someone.
  • Just a personal opinion btwn the 2...especially if she's never done any barbell training before. I thought I had it down pretty good, until I developed a bit of a groin/flexor strain from improper squat form...had to lay off for a bit. If she can master the forms at 5x5, then great...otherwise, 3x5 for a beginner would be…
  • Wow, people generally suck anymore...hence why this is my first, and possibly last post. Just because someone crapped in your Wheaties as a kid, doesn't mean some of you need to crap in everyone elses. Ginerrva, have a read thru Nerd Fitness, specifically this article...…
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