WendyL525 Member


  • That's gonna hurt coming out....Jesus! The things they will do to get out of class. ;)
  • Absolutely count those calories. To wash, dry, vac, clean the inside....u r absolutely burning calories and every one of them count! I just put 150 for the hour I spent. I count cleaning the house too, that's grueling work at times and is equal to a work out. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 ArialMT;}…
  • Money talks!!! My daughter, also 10, does nothing but iPad, iPod, iwhatever she can find to play with. I, too, put her in soccer - when he was younger and the only way she'd play is if i was the coach...LOL...little separation anxiety there! Then, we tried Cheerleading "boring" then dance, she liked that, but the list…
  • I feel ya - same symptoms here, but did help with my migraines. Im only up 3lbs and ive been off for a month. I put on 5 right off the bat, but im REALLY watching every bite i take and being super cautious now that i know its easy to put back on, much easier than if i were still on the Topamax. Thanks for the response!
  • That's great!!!! So happy to hear that you have started regrowth!!!! Honestly, one of the most depressing things....watching my hair fall out and get thinner and thinner....ugh!!! I started taking prenatal vitamins, along with a Biotin supplement i got from Whole Foods. I definitely can tell its getting longer in the back,…
  • Thank you all for all the responses! It makes me feel so much better to know I'm not alone and that so many of you are going/have gone through similar issues with this. Thank you all for the support!! Wendy Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • I went off for the exact reason :) Thanks for saying the part abut your doctor telling you that you may gain, cuz i had no idea and panicked since ive been losing steadily for a year, then all of a sudden, 5lbs went on real quick and i didnt really do anything different. I think im good tho - im saying at the 5lb…
  • Ditto. Been on the phone app for quite some time, just discovered this today. Looks like it's a great 'tool' to add to the box :) Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Exactly!! If i was up a pound or 2, id have it off in a day. Now it takes me a week. Definitely think Topamax had a lot to do with how quick i lost this weight.
  • WOW - i knew there was a reason i never wanted to go on it. I am so sorry to hear that.... The memory stuff was an issue with me too - it was awful to not remember something that i should have remembered, given it was something that happened so recently. Sorry you're going through it still.... Thanks for the reply.
  • OMG! SAME THING WITH ME!!!!! The numbness in my fingers and toes....was the worst!!!! My doctor didnt think it was due to the Topamax, but now that i dont have ANY of that anymore, i guess he was wrong! Esp now that i know you had the same thing happen to you. Agreed - i was never really hungry taking that med - i could…
  • Yeah - good point, maybe it was burning the calories faster. Thats what im doing now - watching real close how many calories im taking in and working out more than i was when i was on it. It was strange, it got to a point where i wasnt trying to lose weight, but it just kept coming off, no matter what i eat (within…
  • I absolutely weened myself off - I'm in the medical field ;) and have been on and off enough meds to know better.