

  • I love barre workouts. I just got Physique 57, and that is fun. I have a Fluidity Bar and use it with Bar Method and Fluidity workouts. It is a great toning exercise. You can also get core rhythms for cheap right now on Amazon used. The beginner stuff is kind of boring, but you can get a good calorie burn and work your…
  • Yep, it's called vanity sizing. Look it up. Somebody can go to K-Mart and buy size 6 clothes and then go to Nordstrom and buy size 2's that are too big. Bra sizes have also seemed to change as well.
  • Great job! You look amazing. You will be a beautiful bride!
  • I bought them, and I previewed her doing one of the programs. It looked a little advanced for me at my current fitness level. I haven't tried them yet; maybe in a couple of months.
  • I did my workout for the first time tonight. 268 cals for the workout, and I wear an HRM. I found it to move a little faster than a lot of my Bar Method and Fluidity workouts, and there were some difficult parts. I still think that Dancer's Body by Bar Method is more difficult. I thought it was fun, and the instructor is…
  • I burned almost 500 calories the other night on a one hour walk, and I'm not very big. It is possible. I didn't believe it was possible, but I have some really steep hills in my neighborhood that require a lot of effort. I burned almost 500 cals in an hour, and I wear an HRM. It was as much effort as a high intensity Zumba…
  • I get sweaty, but I'm not completely soaked in sweat like in Bikram Yoga. You have to also look at height and weight. I can put forth the same level of effort as somebody who is larger and burn less calories doing a Zumba class because that is factored into it. I am finding that putting in a solid hour of cardio is so much…
  • I am proud that I got 70% of my chores done this week, school assignments done for this week, and I was able to squeeze in a workout of my new Physique 57, despite the fact that I had a headache! It's a good day as far as I'm concerned.
  • I enjoy cardio that is fun, and dance workouts are fun to me. I am sure that I look worse than the person doing that youtube video. I do it with my XBox 360 and have the DVDs. I like that I have fun and burn calories. Don't care what I look like since I'm home. Do what you like? If you go to a boot camp or do Insanity and…
  • I bought an HRM and learned that the barre I had been doing everyday only burned 175-300 calories -- depending on intensity. I do all DVD's and XBox 360. I realized if I wanted to lose, I'd need to add cardio. If I do an hour of a higher intensity workout, I burn over 400 -- like 450 or so. I just keep moving around for…
  • Funny (to me) story. One of my girlfriends has a big chest and wears those camisoles with a built in bra. She was riding a horse with a trainer, and when she went to dismount and bent over, her girls fell out and hit him in the face. She was mortified.
  • Have you looked at Lululemon bras? I think they have something for runners to keep the girls in place.
  • Turbofire has a lot.
  • barre. Bar Method is good.
  • I did Bikram Yoga (90 minute classes) for about 8 months straight where I went about 5 times a week. Some weeks 4 times other times 6 weeks. Bikram Yoga is hard for sure, and it makes you feel like you have been tortured and run through the mill, but you feel SO good afterwards that you go back. It definitely helped me…
  • Okay, like I said, I went to Ebay and ordered samples. I'm sensitive to caffeine, so I don't know if I'll be able to drink the chocolate packet I bought. I am wishing I would have bought a vegan strawberry one now as I believe that is probably closest to Vega One. I am drinking the greenberry now. It's not bad on taste,…
  • That's my preferred way to burn calories/cardio. I usually do Zumba. If I could find a great bellydance or hula DVD that was a really good workout, I would incorporate that in. I also have Core Rhythms as well. I also burn 450+ an hour for a high intensity workout.
  • I like to do something 6 days a week and have a rest day. I still try to walk on the 7th day.
  • I love to get 8 hours, but I work long days and am lucky to get about 7. I do best with 8.
  • I had the Wii for awhile, and I did use it with the fitness program, yoga, etc. It weighs you and runs you through a series of tests. My husband gave it away because I didn't use it that often since I was going to Bikram Yoga all the time. I did like it because it weighed me and tested me and helped track my fitness. The…
  • Maybe you can do some belly dance drills or a tabata or two so that you don't break a big sweat. Then, when you feel as if you might break a big sweat, you back off and just walk or do something low impact. When I do barre exercises, most of the time I don't sweat. So, maybe do some strength training. They probably have 10…
  • I don't live in Berkeley, so I only took classes up to Level 2. I was unemployed at the time, and then I found a job. I love the Level 3 dancers! I sure wish she offered classes in the Sacramento area.
  • It looks fun. I'm curious as well. I'm having good butt results with barre workouts, but I would get this if I wasn't. :).
  • My mother-in-law used to use Curves. From what I understood, it was a 30 minute circuit type of routine. I am not sure if that would be your thing or not. I am having great luck working out from home. I bought a Fluidity Bar and a bunch of barre dvds (you could just use a sturdy chair), and I'm incorporating Zumba\Hip Hop…
  • I always gain when I start exercising. It takes me a few weeks to go back to normal.
  • I love bellydancing. I am looking for some good dvds with drills. I used to enjoy cabaret style/Egyptian, but I am now drawn more toward Tribal Fusion. I love the articulated moves with the pops and locks and isolations. I did take a few classes with Suhaila about 10 years ago, and the dancers I enjoyed the most didn't…
  • Fusion Fitness Dream Body Series. I don't think I'm physically fit enough to do them though.
  • I want in. Sounds pretty fun!
  • I use an HRM for my Zumba Core workouts. I burn about 350 cals for a 45 minute medium intensity workout and about 470 calories for a one hour high intensity workout. I"m 5'2" and 120 lbs. I think their calculations aren't correct.
  • I skip most of the same stuff as you. I also get a little lazy, and if I have a bite of something, I'll just factor up on another item I'm logging to show the calories. For veggies, I might double up on one of the veggies so I don't have to log 5 or 6 different items that are 10 or 15 cals each. I just report like double…