rheinrich17 Member


  • I agree. By all means, lose the weight if YOU want to. But remember that it is your choice - both on working towards weight loss and choosing a relationship partner. I think (knowing nothing of the details but based on some past horrible relationships that I've had) you would probably have an easier time losing weight with…
  • I've been buying myself a new houseplant for every 5 pounds I lose as a mini-goal. I love having growing things in the house, but don't have much of a green thumb. Plus, seeing them while I'm on the exercise bike is motivating.
  • My catalyst to losing weight was realizing that when I hugged people I loved, the last part of me that they felt was my belly. Also, I want to be able to wear cute dresses in a casual setting ... I see ones that I like, but either can't work up the courage to buy them or buy them and never wear them because I'm afraid of…
  • I love my bike ... and, since it's in my house and always available, I can't use the excuse of the weather or not wanting to go to a gym to skip exercising. Yes, there may be more efficient ways to burn calories, but I figure anything that keeps me moving almost every day is better than a gym membership that I would…
  • I don't call it a cheat day, but I am more lax about what I eat on the weekends.However, I also generally exercise more on those days as well. I'm losing weight steadily. As several other people commented, I look at this as a lifestyle change and not a "diet". I'm not willing to cut items like ice cream, chocolate, etc.…
  • yes - Mexico (2x), Canada, England (2x), France, Australia Plan to travel lots more both in the USA and to other countries.
  • Great job!!!
  • Hi - I'm Rachel, and I'm thrilled to be starting off from Bag End today. I'm going to count distance on my exercise bike as well (considering it to be my hobbit pony). Would welcome any new friends along the way. :)