

  • A close friend of mine has had a lot of problems with her thyroid and even had it checked for cancer but it came back negative. They have put her on many different medicines to try and get it under control. She has recently put on I'd say 20 or so pounds from the new stuff she is on and has gone up 2 bra cup sizes. She is…
  • Thanks for this website. I'm going to check it out. Getting pregnant has been so frustrating for us. It has been a year and a half and still no baby. I did finally get pregnant 9 months ago but then miscarried but haven't been able to since then. I'm overweight and have irregular cycles so my husband and I are hoping…
  • This week has been really bad for me and that issue. I just want to eat everything in site and it showed when I didn't lose any weight this week. That pop really seemed worth it though. Thankfully it is only once a month and now I am back to being good. You have to have a cheat meal every so often!