

  • Hi Val I started in Jan too. I have two girls 11 and 7 years old and I am now 44. The weight has creeped on mostly over the last 4 years so here I am trying to sort myself out - and making baby steps so far - I eat over the allotted 1200 calories but counter that with exercise. I think this is perhaps the best way and I…
  • Hi Shimmer I joined about 1.5 weeks ago but still feeling like I am getting my head around it all - my kids are 11 and 7 years old - I remember mine being young and how hard it was - felt tired, exhausted and like there was no time for me so good on you! And your hubby. I was a 'solid' child and have been a bit thinner…
  • Wellington, New Zealand - just joined up to this site yesterday!