

  • Yes! I just got home from college and I'm pretty sure my family is trying to sabotage me. My dad is really big into Paleo so a lot of bacon and red meat comes into the house. He also starts preaching if he sees me eating whole grains. They kind of expect me to eat whatever is put in front of me as well. I'm also into big…
  • Okay, I've made my diary public. I would just like to add that the past few weeks have been weird because of finals and moving home from college, so I'm still adjusting to the way my parents do things and what I have to add or subtract from what they're doing. Also, no I have not been measuring because I have been on the…
  • To everyone who is saying that 1800 is too much: thanks for the input but I have already tried 1200. For 4 months. I did not lose any weight. My clothes did not fit any better.
  • The only thing I consistently go over on in MFP are sugars, and that's usually because there's two sugars here and one there, and then I have an apple or banana and it puts me way over. (MFP gives me 24/day) So I'll ask this question while I'm here: how important is it to stay under all the categories MPF gives you?
  • I am 5'7" and 189 lbs. Not too extreme, but overweight enough that I am uncomfortable in my skin. MFP originally gave me 1200, but I was exercising really rigorously (2 hours of cardio and weight lifting 3x weekly) that my nutritionist thought that would put me in starvation mode so she raised it to 1800. I was on 1200 for…
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