

  • I think you're asking the wrong question. What I think you need to ask is, "Why must I associate regular (nearly constant?) abuse of my body as when I was younger, with 'having a good time and being young again?" You are using food and drink to meet an emotional need. It's either the need to "feel young" or "relive better…
  • I would look to a relationship counselor on this one. They may identify other reasons why your partner either turns to food for comfort, avoids exercise or eating better, or otherwise doesn't see why a healthy lifestyle is so important. They may just have a "mental wall" of sorts on what this kind of change means (and not…
  • You're proof it CAN be done, no matter HOW out of shape one is. You are living proof! What powerful pictures. As an aside... isn't amazing how the 'real person' comes (back) out, once all the excess weight is removed? At "Fat," this girl looked like every other fat girl. At "Healthy," her unique facial features shine --…