

  • Wow great results, so havent taken pics but currently doing the squat challenge, hopefully i can keep it up on day 3 = 40squats rest tomorrow then 50 on thursday so on! Feeling the burn!
  • You can do thisxxx
  • Just started back exercising man im unfit after months not doing anything; so i got a jump rope 3mins was stuffed but pushed on for another min, then straight onto the stationery bike could only do 3mins was so outta breath but once i recovered i felt really good, hopefully can keep it up! I have the weighed rope too, love…
    in Jump rope Comment by ptw330 May 2014
  • I am thinking of taking duromine since xmas i havent had much motivation so and have found it hard to get back into the weighloss last year i managed to lose 30kg but over xmas put back on 8kg have managed to lose 4kg so im back to 26kg! Took duromine 15years ago so i know the side effects
  • Well today is the first day of my new weight loss for this year.... I am excited for what is coming this year... looking at losing another 20-30kg again this year woop woop... I am doing it this year with my sister who is living in NZ. so I have put of a whopping 8kg over the xmas period so now to take it all back off plus…
  • Hi I dont drink any soft drinks at all, i drink Natural Mineral Water. i f i feel like a fizzy now i drink Waterfords Natural Mineral Water diet Blood orange for 500mls 12 calories. Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • wow amazing work.. you have inspired me. thank you for sharing your story with us all xox
  • Wow congrats on the baby and all the hard work! :)
  • Hi, I just checked out this vid in thought I'd share:
  • Uuuuuu I wanna play! Nice idea!!! 1. I love most animals (dolphins, cows, dogs etc..) 2. I grew up in the NZ bushland beautiful place 3. Been engaged to the same man for 10 yrs(isn't he patient)
  • Wow, for sure congrats on your loss! 70 lb is amasing! Please feel free to add! We all have a personal journey to take but it's always good to have people who understand what we going through! I have struggled with my weigh all my life now I've made an active discussion to change my life in start loosing weight!