

  • Hi-I would be happy to join you. I am a 64 year old 5ft 1inch tall female! I joined 2 weeks ago at 1200 cals. However, I walk 1-1 and1/2 hrs every day, so I thought I could eat back the cals. Big mistake! I have lost nothing-the scale won't budge. Now I am just eating the 1200 and will keep you posted.
  • Be very careful with the member reported calorie counts. I have found wild discrepancies in the counts. Sometimes as much as twice for the same amount and type of food.If in doubt go for the higher count!!
  • You go girl-you said it all. We have to respect our differences. I am 5ft1inches tall and my maintenance level is 1500 calories.I run or walk every day yet if I eat 1200cals every day I lose only .8 lbs per week!!. For someone weighing 300lbs this is a starvation diet. For me, this is normal..This is an extremely slow…
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