

  • It's really hard, but I've learned to not base your goal completely on a number. At my very fittest, in a size 6 or so, I weighed about 140. And I'm short, 5'5" - I felt GREAT. I've always been heavy on the scale. I DO need to drop about 20-30 pounds at the moment, but I'll never be 115. I'm lucky that my husband sometimes…
  • Seriously, why don't people mind their own business?! It can be so hurtful. There are things that stick in my memory from SO long ago. It's amazing what an impact these words can have. When I was real young (maybe 8) a friend's brother asked straight out, "Why are you so fat?" In college, once while running, a passerby in…
  • Sush for me too! Yesterday I got a California roll for lunch - not fried- (12 pieces) - was over 500 calories, screwed up my day and I wasn't even that full lol
  • Hi! I just joined as well. In a similar range - starting at about 180 and wanting to be 140ish (less would be great, but I'd be cool with 140). I've also had a life of yo-yo dieting. Tried them all. Almost rejoined weight watchers for the 100th time.. but decided to try this on my own and do the basics of calorie…