Sounds like a good idea all that natural stuff...I don't time to bake and all that natural stuff is so expensive...I know Blah, Blah - look how much you'll spend on future health problems, hospitals, doctors....yadda,yadda,yadda...heard it all before. Sorry , that's just how I feel and that kind of diet would make me…
Homemade Popcorn, my dad's "recipe"
Swiss Family Robinson
Nascar driver Tony Stewart :love: Insurance commercial guy "MAYHEM" just as he is dirty and cut up and all that mess :laugh:
I saw a link on here, but didn't go there yet.
yep, agree with everybody else, you look great!
I started FLFL which is now DFL (infomercials), which advertises eat your favorite foods and lose weight. They also want you to tweak the recipes to lighter versions, but I'm not into recipe stuff, They also have a big emphasis on exercise. The trick is supposed to be the combination of foods at each meal. Another thing I…
I weigh once a week, in whatever I am wearing, and scales are on carpet (I am so lazy). I don't really care about the fluctuation as long as in the long run I am losing.
same reason as me watching The Biggest Loser and eating junk....that's why I'm here.
Baltimore, MD
Sweetener called Stevia is supposed to be all natural. I personally don't like protein shakes, maybe I am making them with the wrong stuff. I guess I shouldn't expect it to taste like a McD's shake. :laugh: