

  • I think most people do need motivation to keep going, the off days make us all feel so guilty. Trust me I have the biggest sweet tooth. I struggle with stayin on track. Like you I do so well for days/weeks then I mess up feel guilty and struggle. But its a new year and a new attitude. We got this girl!! :happy: Tomorrow is…
  • Debbie SW ~ 180 GW ~ 135 Wii fit and walking (would eventually like to be able to do the PX90)
  • Hi there! Yea I just signed up a bit ago also, hopin I like it too. Good luck to you!! Here to listen or support.
  • Just started also, never done a online fitness before. I'm not big on dieting so hoping this year will be the year! Looks like a lot of people out there for support. Lookin for a great year! :happy: