

  • Oh Hun! I feel ya! If your doc is not helping you, ask to go to an endocrinologist. It was when I went to that kind of doc that they finally put me on the right meds. I took my MyfitnessPal Journal to my GP and told her I wasn't losing any weight. When she saw that, she sent me to the Endo and he immediately put me on the…
  • Hi Kates! I also have PCOS. First of all, taking Met 4 times a day must be a pain in the rear end, literally! Are you on extended release? If not, I would ask your doc about it. I switched and it is a life saver! I personally take 750 in the morning with breakfast, and 750 at night with dinner, and I don't feel like it…
  • I am having a similar problem. I looked it up on WebMD and it indicated Tendinitis. It suggested a change of shoes. My shoes are definitely worn out and need some replacing, for I have had them more than a year. I am hoping this will help a bit. I am waiting to actually purchase them this weekend once I get paid, but in…
  • I too would love to hear about a great recipe. A lot of soups at the grocery store are super high in sodium. I love soup, but I am working on reducing my sodium, so I am hoping a good home made soup might help.
  • 5' 1.5" on a good day! Working on losing 40+ lbs to be in the "normal" range for my height, which I have always found silly because even at my thinnest and fittest in high school I was at the high end of normal, but oh well. Nice to meet you other fun sized ladies out there working on the same goal!
  • I just finished my first week and weighed in this morning and I gained a pound. Very frustrated!! The whole week, except for one day, I was well under my allotted calories of 1370. And that one day was due to a big family meal, but I was still only over by about 100. I exercised 6 days this week averaging 300 calories from…
  • I have been doing the video for a while now, but haven't been very consistent with it. I just joined this site and I am excited to join you guys and try to do the video more regularly this month!