melissa2208 Member


  • megan fox is beautiful in every way although she is naturally slim, she has weight issues too (like all women) she has lost a lot of weight recently thankfully we are not in the public eye when we have our fat days lol:laugh:
  • simple rivetas without butter add tuna and light salad cream its quick and easy, yummy and cheap ( cost for me is a bigggy ) or pitta bread (wholemeal ) stuffed with salad and lean ham or boiled egg whites x or if i have a sweet tooth rice cakes with low fat peanut butter ( only have 2 tho )
  • just brought some off ebay £20.00 new got the flip flops as better foe me im gonna try them and then do a repost of the outcome but if you did want some check on ebay as had the trainers in reebok too for around £30.00 which is cheaper then the shops x
  • hello well i walk alot due to droping my boys off at school then back down there at lunch time then back home its a 40 minute trip there and back which i do twice a day including pushing a buggy with a buggy board on the back including my two tots lol hard work as it is but thought the flip flops might help out x