

  • Had to stop in the end of W2 because I ran with a sore knee, thought it was part of it. Result, 2 weeks without even being able to walk or climb stairs properly, it hurt even when turning in bed. I have a doctors' appointment tomorrow to check it - not hurting anymore, but now I am scared of running again and damaging my…
  • I am supposed to start w3 tomorrow, but the last day of W2 left me with a lot of pain on the knees...it's been 2 days and it's still hurting. :/
  • Yup, I am doing alternate days only. My hips hurt so much after every session that even if i wanted to do every day, I wouldn't be able to. :p
  • You were right! I did W2D1 today instead of repeating W1 and survived! Thanks for the encouragement, I don't think I'd have tried if you didn't say so. :D It wasn't easy, but felt better than what i felt doing W1D1, where I thought I'd need an oxigen mask. :) I had a flat tire, so decided to do it on a park near my home…
  • W1D3. Was supposed to do yesterday, but came dead tired from work and gave up. Today I brought my shoes to work so I had no excuse! It rained but i went anyway...also, I work near a beaaaautiful park, so it was nice. Went way better than last time! I felt extremely tired, but not gasping for air after the running parts,…
  • Just did W1 day 2. Felt way worse than the 1st day at the start, was about to give up; dunno if it was because I was tired from work and before dinner, whatever. The stupid windows phone app also paused whenever i played music, grrr! After I finally gave up on the music and just kept a really low rythym, i managed to do…
  • I am an terribly unfit, complete couch potato. I barely made day 1, and my legs are hurting horribly...today is day 2, but I am still hurting so much that I am dreading it. :p I also don't think i'll make it to week 2 just with 3 sessions of w1, it is really hard. I never ran in my life, as weird as it sounds. I think the…
  • A noob question 0=) You're supposed to do 1 day interval between the training, or is it random 3 days during a week? Does anyone do more than 3 times a week or will it make me feel too tired and give up?
  • Just did w1 d1. I thought i was gonna die. Served as a reality shock on how sedentary I am - the first minute of running was complete hell, and in the last one i wasn't running anymore, I was throwing my body around somehow. Wow. My hips hurt. :p 1h and a shower later I feel good though. Let's see how this goes. :)
  • Just googled couch to 5k, color me interested. will start today and see how it goes, thanks :)
  • How do you start running? I feel I can walk all day long, but the moment I try running, it's like my lungs are trying to run away from my throat. Yesterday my boyfriend encouraged me to jog in the middle of our walk, and i think i only lasted 10 to 15 seconds. I did 3 "sprints" like that, and although it was fun, i felt…