markstanley666 Member


  • i could use motivated people as friends. just started re logging after a few months off
  • I would agree strong coffee and give your system a break from pre-workout supplements as it sounds like your tolerance has built up. cant go wrong with a banana ether. failing that i was a Fan driven sports Craze theyv just released a new version which
  • if your just having the 1 egg id stick to the whole thing. i remember reading something a while as that said the yolk (i believe the vitamin b in it) makes the protein in the egg more bio available to the body. not to mention it tastes good i say if your having 1 stick with the whole thing if more maybe have 2 yolks and 1…
  • Sounds to me like you just wanna eat what you want and loose weight. everyone heres given great advice to you and it seems to me like youve thrown it in there face abit. 2 tacos and a baked potatoe is no were near a "normal" breakfast in fact that seems like a fairly big lunch for someone wanting to eat less than 1800…