kiwi1855 Member


  • From one picky eater to another, just don't go into it expecting the exact taste of spaghetti. It will be delicious, just not in the exact same way!
  • oh wow... thanks!
  • I've had cashiers remark that "you must be having company!" when my fruit selection goes through the line... at which point I look at the fruit... then at the cashier and say "no... no company. This will last me 3 days. Tops. " and smile at them.
  • It really isn't nothing back. Think of it this way: because you did all that, your body is healthier, you are in better shape because of it, and the scales certainly didn't increase! As a side note, have you/are you measuring yourself? If not, start taking measurements (hips/waist/chest/thighs/whatever) - even if the scale…
  • I'm 5'7", 165lbs, and in size 6 to 8 jeans (dependent on the brand), and small to medium shirts (again, brand dependent).
  • I'd probably still be at almost (if not over) 300lbs, have no energy and no confidence.
  • Again, thank you all! I went to the gym after I finished my longer than normal shift last night and ran until I couldn't any more to get out my emotion on this whole thing. I still hurt (both mentally and now physically - but that's my own fault), and have thought this through more, and I think I know what I am going to…
  • Didn't say because I'm not quite sure. I think it was a accumulation of my actions with my excitement over my changes and the success I've been having, as well as comments made by other coworkers and supervisors on the visible changes that they have observed, and them comparing her to me. I realize the second is out of my…
  • Hormone fluctuations in your body account for about a 2lb fluctuation daily. "About" means an average, so it could be more, depending on what you ate, what you've done for exercise, how much fluid your body is retaining... in short - don't worry. You did not eat the equivalent of 3lbs I am sure (3 x 3500 = 10500 calories)…
  • Thanks all. I still feel badly that my actions have caused her to react like this, and to feel the way she is feeling, although I'm starting to remember that she too has a choice in how she interprets and reacts to situations. I don't have enough friends that I will ever willingly relinquish one, so I will be attempting to…
  • :) I wish I had realized this much earlier. But, better late than never, I guess. Although I'd give anything for "ignorance is bliss"... except it's not...
  • With working nights, and there being only the 4 of us rotating through the week, it is uncomfortable when there is a lack of harmony. And right now, it's more uncomfortable than anything else. I do have a plan - I want to start doing triathalons, 5K's (possibly a half marathon?), and hike Mt Kilimanjaro the year I turn 30.…
  • Oh, don't get me wrong - I have a spice TABLE (the cupboard can't hold everything... I'm sure I have one of every container off the grocery store shelf...), but I need ideas on what to make with some of the more obscure ones... I mean, I have tumeric, but I've only used it once in an East Indian dish (which, although…
    in Spices Comment by kiwi1855 February 2012
  • tried to fix... not sure why it's not working... :S good job though!
  • I really like the light rye wasa crackers. Really bread is just a vessel for the toppings, so subbing in the crackers allows me to have those toppings! (I used to be all about bread... but I have given it up for the most part, except in french toast, as I really can't trust myself with it!)
    in bread Comment by kiwi1855 February 2012
  • I plan about 3 days to a week ahead whenever I can. The weekend always throws me for a curveball, but by the time my work week starts, I know what I'm doing the next 4 days. It helps me figure out exactly what I'm eating, so my grocery list is concise and to the point, and nothing that is not required is purchased or…
  • bump for later... may have a banana spree day... I found a recipe for banana pancakes... Ingredients * 1/3 cup of Quick Rolled Oats * 1 Over-Ripe Banana (should have a few brown spots) * 1 tsp Baking Powder * 1/3 cup of Egg Whites * 1/2 tsp Vanilla Put the quick rolled oats into a food processor/magic bullet/blender and…
  • bump... I'm gonna go through this the next time I'm wondering what to make!
  • I tried it - and by tried I mean did about 4 days of it on 2 separate occasions. My thoughts: it is a) boring as heck and b) not as great a calorie burn as a cardio focused program. It definitely does work the abs, but my overall impression of the program was lackluster at best.
  • You are doing just fine! Even when you have a lot to lose, 2lbs a week is still the prescribed "maximum healthy weight loss", so 9lbs over 4 weeks means you are losing just over the 2lbs a week at this point. Don't rush it! If you go too fast, you are doing more harm to your body than good, and you are more likely to…
  • At this point, I'm about 170 and a size 8 - and I'm 5'7". So... yeah... different body types FTW. So if that statement is true for you, OP, that's fine. But don't generalize. On a side note, I want to scream when people over generalize. And use the phrases "always" and "never".
  • I find that it lowballs the calorie burn a bit - but not that much, and really it's better to underestimate on that account! That being said, if you want to be accurate, get an actual HRM with a chest strap - much more accurate! Just make sure to wear the watch on the opposite wrist... otherwise I find it interferes. But…
  • I am on my third go around on the 9 week program on the hard setting (about 1/3 of the way through phase 2 a the moment!) for EA Sports Active 2. I loves it! I very recently have started the C25K program, but up until then, the EA Sports Active 2 was the only thing I was doing... so... it works well!
  • I pre plan my week, and pack everything in a lunch kit. Usually, it's two snacks (one with veggies and one with fruit), and soup for lunch (currently, I've fallen in love with curried butternut squash and sweet potato soup), plus a granola bar (usually fibre1 100cal bar) for the home stretch (eaten roughly an hour and a…