larmo22 Member


  • i have lost most my weight due to the elliptical. it works for me. that plus my diet, i averaged about 1.5 lbs a week loss, but i did it almost every day. unfortunately, i need to add weight training to my routine, so i have to change my workout! but thats a good thing, right?! good luck!
  • this is a great site and welcome! don't get discouraged if you don't lose right away, i had a 2 week period, and it got frustrating, but it will catch up to you! i found that the morning is where i needed help, the breakfast snacks add up quick! and to find snack that work is great, thanks database! water, keep track of…
  • thanks everyone! i'm glad everyone else seems obsessed with this site also! i thought i had a problem, but really, entering in the meals in the morning and lunch, keep me focused for the evening meal, which i don't always enter but i'm pretty sure i'm making okay choices! take care!!
  • hey jessica, this site is great! i have some friends from work and it keeps us talking about it. i try to log in every day b/c if i don't, i might really screw up! A 5k is a good goal! i haven't done it yet but why not! I normally keep eat what i want, but i do input it into the site, so if i screw up with a bad choice, i…