M_M_B Member


  • I have had headaches for years and usually they are solved with sugar, haha. Not really an option here. The Dr hasn't been able to help except to recommend medications. Anyways, planning to get lots of sleep over the next couple of days, go to a yoga class, get a bit more sodium in me and hope that that helps. Thanks so…
  • I kind of wonder if it is a lack of sodium that is causing the headache? I drink a TON of water so I am not worried about that but I have only reached 750 sodium for the past two days according to my online tracking. I don't add salt to anything and I always buy salt-free products. Is this bad?
  • Thanks for the kind advice. To be clear my doctor is aware that I am doing this and he thinks that it is a good idea. I am halfway through day 2 and while I am not craving anything I do have a brutal headache that is swiftly morphing into a migraine. Hoping that that will go away!