Where do you get pretzel bread
I try to do a run/walk every other day but I am also struggling to get through a week 3 successfully. I think once I get past that I think the next intervals may be easier. I have two programs I am working with and they vary slightly one I seem to get through successfully because it offers a longer recover time after the 3…
I am on a remedial week 2....I have done week 2 once but when I try to do week 3 I am just not ready.
That has been my goal as well but the process has been slow and I mean both goals 100 pounds and wanting to honor God and show the self control available through the Holy Sprirt
Wow! you are inspiration
This the one thing I have noticed that when you are over weight you avoid having your picture taken at least I do so one of my things at this point is to have a photo taken every month so I don't have "body distortion issues". They talk about that on the anorexia side but you do not hear about it on the obese side which it…