zac6 Member


  • you may have tried this but drink water, hot tea... When i look back over the days ive been the most successful it has b een when i drink water between meals and try to eat something 100-200 calories every 3hrs. Obviously this means meals have to be low calories but i can control my hunger better if i dont get too ravinous
  • Think it started way back when my kids were little- 4 close together- the only time i could claim for myself was time to eat. kids all hs and college now. ate for comfort and stress relief. spouse likes to eat and likes foods that i would have never eaten prechildren. Fried foods, sauces, gravies, taking…
  • Hey you are young compared to me= Im 50 and just started in January. Slow but steady loss of 5lbs. Feels so good to know that i'm working out and its not too late to make great changes. Feel so much better about myself already. You can do it
  • You should be so proud of the tramsformation youve accomplished. Looks like youve already done all the hard work in the past. Youve already proven you can do it! you can get back on track youve come to far to back slide now. What an inspiration you are. Thanks. Dont beat yourself up