

  • Great job!! I felt MUCH better at 40 than 30 for the same reason!
  • Last weekend was my daughter's 20th birthday. I wasn't as bad as I've been in past years, but I was bad compared to what I've been doing with MFP. Yeah, I put on some weight and it took me a week to get back to where I had been, but I'm losing again. Life happens! 80/20, back on track!
  • My husband is doing paleo and loves it! He's lost 17 pounds since 1/1!! You should add him, he's HilliardJoe. He has more energy than he's had in YEARS! Good Luck!
  • I started having health issues March '12 and finally a hysterectomy in August. I have gained 30 pounds in the last year! Ugh!! Weight Watchers worked for me 10 years ago, but I've tried it twice since then and the new program doesn't work for me. I like MFP because the format reminds me of WW when I did it and it worked. I…