bethwindisch Member


  • I agree with the others that suggested the Leslie Sansone dvd's. I have some arthritis in one knee but am able to do these and they are good work outs. Like someone else said, you can make them easier or harder with effort. I really enjoy them and always feel great afterward. I have four different ones and keep rotating…
  • I am 52 and weight just over 200. I've lost almost 30 pounds and my goal weight was 150 but I think I'll be happy with 160-170. Mostly I just want to feel better, both in terms of my health AND how I look and feel in my clothes.
  • I am 52 and just getting back to exercising after many years "off". Someone suggested the Leslie Sansone dvd's to me as I have arthritis in one knee and am limited to what I can do. I have really enjoyed them and have stuck with them since February. I alternate among some that use the resistance band and some that don't. I…
  • I've lost 30 pounds using Slim Fast, combined with exercising almost every day. I'm in a research study at OSU and that's part of the plan. We are to also have several "healthy" snacks through out the day, including fruit, veggies, etc. And for my height/wt.and metabolism, I'm to try and keep myself to 1200 calories a day.…
  • I'm 5'9" and weight 202, which is obviously overweight. I've lost almost 30 pounds since January and hope to lose at least 30 more. I'm 51 years old and going through menopause right now and I think that's obviously effecting my metabolism. I weighed around 135 in college and then maintained at 150 for many years until…
  • I can relate SOOOOOOOOOOO much to this! I've been doing fairly well since January, keeping track, staying within limits, staying away from certain foods. But every once in a while, I just cave and eat things like fritos or fudge stripe cookies or doritos or cupcakes (yesterday's major slip) and like you said, it's not…