happydaze82 Member


  • I have to agree with everyone here -- I was terrified as well but the day I did it, I just kept saying well, I'll do the best I can. And the 20 minutes went by and I couldn't believe it! You can definitely do it :)
  • I finished week 7, day 1 yesterday and I can't believe how far I have come! My slogan used to be "I only run if I am being chased." But now I feel like I am actually a jogger -- running is a little faster than what I do but I can truly say that I am able to "jog"! It feels really great to read everyone's progress on here…
    in Week 7 Comment by happydaze82 May 2012
  • today i completed week 5, day 3 and i CANNOT believe i ran for 20 mins straight! i never thought i'd be able to do it, i was all set to just try it and if i failed, i would start week 5 over again. i am really proud of myself :)
    in Week 5 Comment by happydaze82 April 2012
  • Angellore - the behavior you described when you decided to eat fish and chips later sounds EXACTLY like me. I am not sure why I can't have a treat once in a while without sabotaging the entire day eating whatever is in sight. I have been struggling to get in control of my binge eating for quite some time. I have been doing…