Add away - I'm starting a 3 month challenge to lose fat and gain muscle - should be very active!
What does another friend hurt
Either way I'd be chundering my guts up. Would you rather have hand leg sized fingers or finger sized legs
Excuses. If you don't want to do something just say no.
Work hard buddy! The sacrifice and the pain will be worth it!
Shes Black or white
I don't know to what I'm replying but, bring it?
No. HYE blown more than a months wage on 1 trip somewhere?
Had a marriage end due to her extreme obsession with a toad who was on The Ellen Show for Nicholas Cage impressions
Beer Taster by Day World Knock a Door Run Champion by night
Bruce Willis
I think its to do with how fit everyone else is haha
More the merrier
Beards all the way.. I've shaved off my tash to grow for Movember but the beard is staying put.
Most Overrated... You have the Beatles as a choice? WHAT??
You go back in time with all your current knowledge but you are also an alcoholic fro the age of 3 so nobody believes anything you say. I wish my sweat smelled liked roses
Master of the rain dance
Fitter than me.. I don't like losing
I have no idea what is going off on this page... but there's a sick beard somewhere on the thread!
Maybe just bend down a little for photos
There's something fishy going off between you two...
Dudes only... Women got JanuHAIRY hahaha
Tash will be shaven off on the 1st and hopefully will grow for the duration.
Nudes for all
Beard! Hot haha
You are correct fair lady! Stunt double for Nicholas Cage