razor_fever Member


  • I started playing guitar a few years back. I don't play in any bands. Not sure if that counts for this thread or not. I play stuff like Iron Maiden, Metallica, Social Distortion, Paradise Lost, Accept, Collective Soul etc. Nothing too technical ha ha
  • Kenpo X - DONE I haven't been posting as much because I changed up my workouts. P90X was just not cutting for me on the Strength Days. I'd get a good pump but wasn't really making any gains. Its not like I was slacking either. So I'm going back to using the heavy weights in my Basement. Bench, Incline Press, Squats, Lat…
  • Shoulders & Arms - Done yesterday Legs & Back - Done today Slacked a little bit on my diet this weekend. Have to really watch that, I have 5 weeks before I go to the beach
  • Chest & Back - DONE Slacked a little on yesterday's cardio. I did two 10 Minute Trainer Cardios instead of one of the P90X ones. I felt a little under the weather yesterday so I backed off some. At least I was still moving though
  • Back & Biceps - DONE And I'm only 4 pounds away from my goal :) That might get adjusted somewhat once I reach it, but I'm feeling pretty good about my progress so far.
  • Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps - DONE
  • Kenpo X - DONE! Also did One-on-One Cardio Intervals. I'm off work today so I figured I might as well crank out some extra cardio
  • Shoulders and Arms - DONE Yesterday was supposed to be an off day, but my wife talked me into doing one of her Insanity DVDs. It was pretty tough, even for a "recovery week" workout
  • Chest & Back - DONE
  • Back & Biceps - DONE That's 11 P90X workouts done since 2/2
  • Chest/Shoulders/Triceps - DONE!
  • Awesome job man.
  • It's not that bad once you get into it. I went through each DVD once just to get a feel for the moves. Then I started in earnest. Good luck! Oh yeah, Kenpo X - DONE. I was supposed to do Plyo but after a poor night's sleep didn't feel up to it. So I subbed in Kenpo. I might add a 10 Minute Cardio tonight after work
  • Shoulders & Arms - DONE. Did 2 more sets of Shoulders/Biceps/Triceps after the DVD was done too. I'll probably feel that in my shoulder tomorrow
  • Yeah start with Day 1. And don't get discouraged, it does get easier. Good luck!
  • Chest & Back - DONE. Tomorrow is a much needed day off
  • I work out first thing in the morning, so I have breakfast after my workout. It's usually: One homemade whole-wheat pancake w/ 1 Tbsp Peanut Butter One Smoothie (8 oz skim milk, 1 scoop protein powder, 1 banana, 1/2 cup frozen blueberries) Black Coffee (usually every other day). That puts me around 530 calories, with about…
  • Cardio X - DONE. Pretty good workout this morning. I might do a 10 Minute Trainer Cardio tonight after work. I hope everyone is Bringing It! Joe
  • Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps - DONE I've got to say, that was a pretty tough workout today. I was feeling pretty wasted towards the end. I am actually glad tomorrow is a cardio day.
  • P90X is tough but not impossible. When my buddy turned me on to it a few years back, I kind of laughed. I was thinking "workout DVDs? How hard can they be?" ha ha after the first two weeks I was pretty sore. But I got through it. I lost a few pounds but added muscle to my legs/shoulders/arms. It's a good workout. I'd…
  • I just suggested the 10 Minute Trainer as a way to jumpstart her exercise program, if she's not used to it. That's all. I think it'd be better to do that for a few weeks, then jump into insanity and get overwhelmed. As for the "no muscle loss", my waist is smaller, and my arms, chest, and legs (thighs) haven't changed. So…
  • Maybe she could start off with the 10 Minute Trainer series. They're kinda tough but it's only 10 minutes. That could give her a good start to working out. And yeah, diet is HUGE. I was stuck at 210 for over a year, even while working out consistently. Started watching my diet, and I'm down 7 pounds in a month with no…
  • I started P90X again. Finished my 4th day. I've done it before, and I don't follow their schedule. Basically I'll do two days of Strength Training, a day of Cardio or Plyo, 2 more days of Strength Training, Cardio X, then off. Sometimes after work I'll add in a 10 Minute Trainer workout too. After three weeks of that…
  • Back & Biceps - DONE
  • Kenpo Cardio - DONE I did have to skip part of it due to time constraints. I skipped over the part with all of the blocks. That part always seemed pretty easy anyway. I'll make it up tonight by doing a 10 Minute Trainer w/o.
  • Awesome work. Congrats!
  • Shoulders & Arms - DONE. Took a 5 minute break, then also did Friday Night Arms.
  • Chest & Back - DONE! Felt pretty good today. I held back some because I've been fighting a cold/sinus thing all week. But I'd still give myself a 7.5 or 8 out 10 as far as intensity. I did WAY better today than the first time I did this a few years back. Made it all the way through with minimal breaks, at least 25 pushups…
  • I'm not a trainer or anything, so take this with a grain of salt. I would think at 5'11' and 140 you would look sickly. I know it depends on body type, but I am 6'0'' (which is only an inch taller) and when I was down around 175 (about 10 years ago) I looked terrible. A good weight for me is around 190-195. That'll give me…
  • 3 so far. One on the outside of each calf, and a pretty big one on my back (about 8 hours total for that one) Planning on covering up one leg one because I don't like it, more work on my back, upper arms, etc