imaglo52 Member


  • Hi I am doing great today I threw out left over cake from Easter. Hope you are doing well also
  • Yep I am 61 will be 62 in November I have synced my fitbit to My Fitness Pal and reducing my weight by exercise and food control. :smile:
  • Today I put on my Gloria Vanderbuilt size 14 jeans they have been in the drawer for three years. I have lost 30 lbs and have hit a plateau so I am hoping they will inspire me to eat better and exercise more. Nice dress Congrats!
  • :happy: Keep with it I have degeneritive disk decease, arthritis and fibromyalgia. I am 58 and overweight I have already reduced 10lbs of xmas weight by water aerobics and walking. You will have more energy and feel better if you hang in there, write everything done so you think about the food you put in your mouth. Drink…