

  • I made this the other day. I saw the recipe on the Food Network under 5 Ingredient Fix. It is very versitile. You can have coffe icecream by adding an expresso shot, you can have strawberry by adding frozen strawberries. We made the peanut butter version. Yummy! I don't think that my kids will eat regular icecream again.…
  • Hello I am new also to the site. But i loving the fact that I can update a food journal anywhere. From my phone, my laptop and my pc at work. It leaves me no excuses. We can do this!
  • Try some toasted seasoned chick peas. Open a can of chick peas place in a non stick skillet with 1/2 tbsp of olive oil and add what ever seasoning that you like. I like 1/2 tsp of salt and black pepper with 1/2 tsp of smoky paprika. Hope this helps.
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