Someone please explain to me what this actually is?!?! is it just having fewer calories?
I'm 5ft and i wanna be around 100- 102 pounds. I'm finding it SOOOOOOO hard to lose weight though, and i dont know about anyone else, but im finding it so difficult to lose it from my legs!!!!
I just want to get as much information as possible
Thats amazing! Well done, so do you think i could do it, even thought i dont have as much to lose??
Yeah ive thought about it, but because im tiny, i dont want to look muscly because it wouldnt look right with my physique, like i dont want to look fat if you know what i mean? I dont know how i'd go about weight training, but im up for any ideas if anyone can give me some advice!!
im going on holiday in july and dont want to have a flabby belly!!! I weight 9 stone now...i really want to be 8 stone or even 7 stone!!!
Hi there! I'm 18 and got diagnosed last summer with IBS and have been seeing a dieticionist ever since. I have got significantly better since last summer. My main symptom is diarrhea and this was a big problem for me, as i have a big fear of it (sounds silly i know). So it got to the point where i was living off ham…
Hiya! Thank you very much for the advice! And yeah im going on holiday in july with all my friends and dont want to look a lump! I know i can do it because i lost a lot ot weight over chirstmas due to my ibs, but this was done through fear of eating, so i just didnt eat, which isnt a good way to loose it! I just want to…