Moosh514 Member


  • I had bypass on Dec 30th. I've lost 72 lbs so far. I have 44 to go to hit my goal weight.
  • Yes, same question here. You are eating better as you mentioned, but eating better could be not going out to eat 5 times a week but 2 instead. Your diet is really 80% of what makes up your weight loss. You truly have to find something that is works for you that you can stick with, yet helps you to stay motivated. I…
  • I've had PCOS for 10 years now. I gained roughly 100 lbs within 6 months, which is where my Dr. found out that I had the issue. It has caused many issues for me from bursting, painful cysts, to surgeries to have 12" cysts removed, and now an ablation to try to reduce the chances of cysts. I have been working off and on to…