I'm not sure about that calculator either. I'm in a weight management program at work & your progress sounds reasonable according to those measurements. It's discouraging when the scale doesn't fall as fast as we want it to. Remind yourself how much time it took to get from your goal weight to your current weight and…
Did you click on the TOOLS tab? Follow the tag & badge info there. Maybe I just got lucky with mine, but they went on right away.
Sounds like you're doing everything right. From all I've learned, one just has to wait out the plateau. Keep doing the good things and eventually (and it might take a couple of weeks) you'll start losing again. Reflect on how far you've come on this journey & don't obsess about this rest stop.
- is my go-to website. :heart: It's searchable in many ways, has a section for slow cookers, and you can save your favorite recipes to a virtual recipe box. Simple to print the recipes, too if you want to keep a hard copy. C
If I'm not really careful, I can get that thing spinning too fast & it gives me heart rate problems. I switch between pulling/pushing with upper body and striding for power. Balancing my weight on full foot or just the balls makes a different stride, too. It's the same apparent motion, but different muscle groups are…
hooray! that's a great milestone! I look forward to hitting it one day. You inspire me.
Great record of loss! My mom, who lost almost 100 lbs, too, said the last 20 was the most stubborn to leave. Keep working the healthy life and the rest will fall away at it's own pace.
Yes, I'm doing it that way. The total amount I want to lose was just so far away, that I found myself adrift almost before I started. I've had some quick satisfaction by checking off each BMI level. They are about 6 lbs each & it's soooo good to meet a fast goal every week.
Do I see that you've hit your first mimigoal? Isn't 300 some sort of mental milestone? I know whereof I speak because I'm not there yet myself, but know when I can stay under 300 pounds, it will be a real breakthrough. GOOD FOR YOU! change your siggy to the next minigoal & hit that one, too.
"running around a kitchen for 6 hrs" sounds like a pretty good workout to me. My nephew is a chef, and I know there are miles on his shoes every day. Do you have a pedometer? Perhaps you (like me) want results too quickly. I suggest this: take stock of your real exercise (without added efforts) and log that on MFP. Watch…
Atta girl! That's a realistic, grounded attitude you've got going for you. I do the same sabotage to myself. I never thought of it as "eating my feelings", which has a certain poetic ring to it, but that's exactly what happens. Thanks for posting your discovery. You've helped us both today. :happy: