

  • my wife adam93560 is on here and had the surgery; but has not gained the weight back. You can join our group The A-Team (TAT).
  • In 2012 , a crack commando unit was sent to the fat farm by a military court for not committing to exercise. These men and women promptly escaped from their Maximum-BMI to the My Fitness Pal underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as warriors of weight loss. If you have a problem...if no one else…
    in New!! Comment by SpecOpsGman April 2013
  • In 2012 , a crack commando unit was sent to the fat farm by a military court for not committing to exercise. These men and women promptly escaped from their Maximum-BMI to the My Fitness Pal underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as warriors of weight loss. If you have a problem...if no one else…
    in New!! Comment by SpecOpsGman April 2013
  • In 2012 , a crack commando unit was sent to the fat farm by a military court for not committing to exercise. These men and women promptly escaped from their Maximum-BMI to the My Fitness Pal underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as warriors of weight loss. If you have a problem...if no one else…
    in New!! Comment by SpecOpsGman April 2013
  • The A-Team1 (TAT) is also on FitBit.com; if anyone has a FitBit and would like to join us there also.
  • Yes; it's a Great Show. I'm glad to have you all our Our Team; together we will accomplish our mission to lose weight and get in shape.