

  • What I've noticed with my 2/3kids breastfeeding I didn't lose anything while breastfeeding. It was only until after I was done it just melted off. I just weaned my 11 month old off completely yesterday. I also got pregnant back to back (11 months apart) and with my 22 month old I nursed her 2 months GAINED weight than…
  • w2g!!!!! I have a 7.5month old baby girl now and am currently 5months and 3weeks pregnant(they'll be 11months apart). Even though I am pregnant I decided to eat better and exercise 2months after I had my baby girl and have lost 43lbs during the entire pregnancy!!! So looking forward to see what I'm capable of after I have…
  • When I went 2months clean eating I drank a couple times and instead of beer/wine coolers like I always had in the past I mixed vodka with water and added flavored water like Mio, for some great taste w/o the added sugar/sodium that pop or juice adds to mixed drinks. Plus adding the water minimized the hangover the next…
  • :smile: Drink water constantly throughout the day, and eat fruit/vegetables/turkey slices/sugar-free pudding for that sweet tooth every 2-3hours or chew sugar-free gum(gum with sugar makes me hungrier than I was before)! I am currently 4 in a half months pregnant and I struggle with this on a daily basis, even more so the…
  • I have used wheat pita breads, wheat tortillas or those mini crusts from walmart that come 3 to a pack! Never tried anything homemade, just fast and convenient and calorie-friendly :smile: If you like some meat and similar to canadian bacon, I love to use turkey bacon!!! I have tried chicken alfredo pizza, cheese pizza,…