SPautler Member


  • 2014 was a great running year for me. I had PR's in my Marathon, Half, and 10K. Looking to push it a little farther in 2015 and stepping up to Ultra Marathon territory and maybe a Triathlon or two. Right now I'm working on getting my weight down a little and staying injury free for the year.
  • I know exactly how you feel. I'm always defending myself by either turning down drinking or fast food, especially during a training cycle for a big race. We runners just need to come to terms that not everyone understands our love of running. Non-runners will never experience the "runners high" we all love and reap the…
  • I have had calf problems before and they are tough to deal with especially when you are training for a race. The one thing I suggest to you is to ice the sore calf after each run. Ice baths work too, but I'm not that Streaching before and after a good work out is important too..but most important is to listen…
  • Hi I'm Steve from Virginia Beach. I started running about 5 years ago, but really started to run seriously about a year ago. I've ran everything from a 5K to a half-marathon, including a couple of mud runs. Right now I'm trainig for my first full marathon, the Shamrock on 18 March. I love running long distance. As a friend…
  • I have a 14K race on the 11 Feb, and still training for my first full marathon on 18 Mar.
  • Has worked great for me. Thought I'd never be able to get back into shape.
  • Depending how bad your ankle hurts, the eliptical machine worked for me when I hurt mine.