
  • Loving this challenge it really is keeping me motivated and me focused because it is a everyday challenge keeping on track.
  • The Survivor Challenge is really encouraging me to keep on track. I am surprised at what I can do. I am looking forward to the end result.
  • Water does make a difference with your weight loss. It helps hydrate your body and flushes out your system. It doesn't just have to be just water you can drink low cal tea, vitamin water, crystal light, coffee, tea and not to much soda. They want you to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. I starting buying bottled…
  • Hi Jen it's me Gail from Brown Deer I did join Weight Watchers I get weighed tomorrow I am excited to see what I did. I stuck to my plan pretty good I am know struggling trying to get enough water in everyday. I think I put so much effort into what I am eating that I don't think enough about drinking. Thanks for the ideas…
  • I found it thanks. We are up for the challenge.
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