

  • I had fun at my Zumba class last night. I asked about the fusion part and the instructor said that she will incoporate different activities within the class like using a chair, some type of sticks that glow in the dark (don't remember the name), lots of hip hop moves, etc. It was fun! We were doing the butterfly and some…
  • Hi Ladies, Just checking in. I didn't lose this week which I knew because I looked at my body and saw that I was holding on to the bloat! LOL It is that time of the month and I just let it be this week. I worked out twice so far and will be heading to Zumba fusion class tonight. Not sure what the fusion part is, but we…
  • YAY!!! Keep up the great work!!! You are doing it!!!
  • Hi Ladies, I know a few of you are using heart rate monitors (HRM) to calculate your calories, so are there any that you would recommend? Thanks.
  • Yesterday, I almost hit a stumbling block. My husband and I were in a store and they had a large bag of chips for $1. All different flavors and I was like a kid in a candy store, because I am a sucker for chips. I stared at all the different flavors and my husband walks over to me and said, "You don't want those chips. You…
  • Welcome!! That's why we are all here to support one another. We all have our good days and bad ones, but we can't give up! I am in the same boat as you, because I want to be successful with this finally. My girlfriend put me on to this site and the ladies here have been a great help. A good support system can take us a…
  • Well, I finally had a breakthrough and after two weeks finally lost a pound to make it 3 pounds lost. Whew! I guess I am a slow loser also. One day at a time and I will take it. I didn't work out the last three days and finally got back on track this morning, so imagine my surprise when I saw I actually had a loss! Loving…
  • That's a good idea with the walking in place while watching TV. Every little bit helps.
  • I wanted to mention a great magazine that I truly love, Cooking Light. They really have some great recipes for your main course, desserts, vegetables, pastas, etc. They don't skimp on flavor either! I find myself cooking more with fresh herbs now. I like the recipes you can make under 30 minutes, since I am trying to keep…
  • Angelh1908, when you are viewing the post you want to reply to, click the "quote" button, and it will capture the post you want to reply to. You then type your reply right underneath the captured quote. When you are finished, you click "post reply". I hope that helps!
  • Thanks. I am keeping the fruit in, but will tweak some other things. Nutribullet is my friend again. :drinker:
  • I will go back over my food diary and see if sodium could be the issue. After some thought, I was thinking the same as far as fruit being the issue, but figured I would ask. Thanks for the help Yana. I actually went to Trader Joe's yesterday and picked up some better snacks. I found some Spinach, Kale and greek yogurt dip…
  • I have a question. I know that sugar from fresh fruit is best, but do you think it is possible to have too much fresh fruit where sugar could hinder weight loss? Reason why I am asking is because, I am not moving in my weight and I may need to tweak what I am eating. I have been making Nutribullet drinks with (spinach,…
  • That's wonderful that you can report your lowest weight since being on MFP. Awesome!! Enjoy your birthday and blessings for many more!! :flowerforyou:
  • It could be water retention. Not to give TMI, as much as I have been releasing water, I thought that would not be an issue. I will keep that in mind and also the fact that the scale differs from day to day. I won't let that number hold me back!
  • Hmph.....crazy scale. Jumped on the scale this morning and it showed I actually gained two pounds! I am not going to get down over it because I know I worked out hard last week. Actually, I worked out 6 days and stayed under my calorie count. Will do some readjusting and maybe next week will be better for me. I will say…
  • Thanks for the welcome!! I will definitely do the "Just for today" and take baby steps. It's one day at a time! Today I am tired, but I will go home and work out before I do anything!
  • I really like Cardio X and Kempo X from the P90X routine, so maybe I will incorporate those more into my routine. I also like Turbo Jam and the strength training from P90X. I think I might throw in a little dancing in there too. Thanks for the tips.
  • Hello Ladies, I would love to join this challenge. I have issues with staying motivated to workout. I figured I needed to join a group to receive support and this seems like a great one for me. I know everything that I need to do, but doing it is the issue. I can get lazy and it's a bad habit to have. I have started…